Call of the Wild Audiobook
Call of the Wild
Unabridged Audiobook
By: Jack London
Narrated by: Michael Scott
Published: 2006-04-08
Duration: 3 hours 36 minutes
Download at Audiobooks.comCall of the Wild Summary
Call of the Wild is the story of Buck, a magnificent dog who is stolen from his idyllic life and sold for use on a Yukon dogsled team. His travels are not only of a physical nature, as he learns hard discipline from men who must discipline their dog teams, but his own journey back to his primordial roots in the frozen tundra – the roots of wolf. This amazing story of transformation is beautifully written and provides a glimpse of the hard life in the Yukon Territory during the 1900s.
Who wrote Call of the Wild?
Call of the Wild was written by Jack London.
Who narrates Call of the Wild Audiobook?
This edition of Call of the Wild Audiobook is narrated by Michael Scott.
Call of the Wild Audiobook length
Call of the Wild Audiobook length is 3 hours 36 minutes. That's 12960 seconds long!
What characters are in Call of the Wild?
Call of the Wild contains the following characters:
- Buck
- Spitz
- John Thornton
- Francois (The Call of the Wild)
- Perrault (The Call of the Wild)
What year was Call of the Wild first published?
Call of the Wild was first published in the year 1903. That makes it 122 years old today!