Art of War Audiobook

Art of War
Unabridged Audiobook
By: Sun Tzu
Narrated by: Michael Scott
Published: 2005-10-30
Duration: 1 hours 22 minutes
Download at Audiobooks.comArt of War Summary
Written in China over two thousand years ago, The Art of War provides the first known attempt to formulate a rational basis for the planning and conduct of military operations.
This complete reading of the classic text by Sun Tzu brings to life the timeless strategic principles of the ancient art of warfare. It soon becomes apparent how this book is still applicable today, and not just for military operations, but to so many other aspects of life. Sun Tzu teaches in a straightforward style how to command an operation of utmost efficiency and effectiveness, and the elements required to win.
Who wrote Art of War?
Art of War was written by Sun Tzu.
Who narrates Art of War Audiobook?
This edition of Art of War Audiobook is narrated by Michael Scott.
Art of War Audiobook length
Art of War Audiobook length is 1 hours 22 minutes. That's 4920 seconds long!
What Awards has Art of War won?
Art of War has won the following awards:
- Independent Publisher Book Award (IPPY)
What year was Art of War first published?
Art of War was first published in the year 401, originally titled: 孫子兵法. That makes it 1624 years old today!